Light Chaser Animation, the Chinese studio that brought the 2019 epic romance animated film, White Snake: The Origin had released the first trailer for the film’s sequel, White Snake 2 and it features a familiar face in a different scenario.
White Snake 2 trailer was shown in the ending credit of New Gods: Nezha Reborn which was another animated film from Light Chaser Animation and has been released last February 12, 2021, in Chinese cinemas.
White Snake 2 Trailer
Xiao Qing or Verta is the green snake-demon in the story and that Blanca is treated as her younger sister. In the new trailer for White Snake 2, she will be taking the spotlight as she seeks enlightenment after her experiences from the first film. With her taking the center of the story in the film, the trailer shows that she seems to be reincarnated in the modern world. [Source: Donghua Reviews]
With this, it seems that White Snake 2 will follow the story that transpired after the events from the first film and focus on Verta instead as she deals with what Fahai had stated to her from the previous film. Well, knowing how Light Chaser Animation had embedded a great modern approach in Nezha’s story in New Gods: Nezha Reborn, I believed that the same intricate and fantastic method will be applied in White Snake 2.
For our readers who are not familiar with the film, White Snake or Baishe Yuanqi (The White Snake: The Origin) is a 2019 fantasy-romance animated film from Light Chaser Animation. It was directed by Amp Wong and Zhao Ji, the latter also directed New Gods: Nezha Reborn. It was inspired by the classic and popular Chinese folktale, The Legend of White Snake.
The film was a collaboration project between Light Chaser Animation and Warner Bros. with Joy Pictures taking charge of the movie’s distribution. It was released on January 11, 2019, in China and was also released in the United States. It featured the voice actors Zhang Zhe and Yang Tianxiang with the story written by Damao. The film earned a total box office of 447 million Chinese yuan, or equivalent to US$61,631,778.
It was featured in various film festivals such as Annecy International Animation Film Festival, BFI London Film Festival, Sitges Film Festival, and Warsaw International Film Festival.
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