One of the most anticipated Chinese anime of 2021 from bilibili is Shiguang Dai Li Ren or previously known as Time Agent, now it is titled CLICK. Action and drama-filled anime where we get to join the characters in their journey as they tried to change destiny and help their clients deal with something from their past such as regrets, longing, etc, through entering a photo. Now, that plots quite bizarre but it sure is interesting and there’s a lot of things from this series that will catch our attention.
In the Weibo account of the series, countdown posters, as well as character introduction videos, had been unveiled. We get a glimpse at 3 main characters that we will follow from the anime, their personality, and their role in the story.
Shiguang Dai Li Ren Anime Character’s Introduction
Cheng Xiao
The main character of the anime, and the time agent himself. Cheng Xiao, is the owner of Time Photo Studio. As the titular Time Agent, Cheng Xiao could enter the world inside the photo, possessed the body of the person in there, and control what they can do. This means, that his actions there could influence the real world, and the people in that photo, thus, he can alter fate itself.
Lu Guang
The second of the duo, Lu Guang is the partner of Cheng Xiao and also his observer. Their ability includes going back 12 hours in time inside the photo world, he can serve as the controller of the operation, the one who connects Cheng Xiao’s consciousness to the photo world.
Qiao Ling
And we’ve got a lady here next in our list. Qiao Ling serves as an intermediary between Time Photo Studio and their clients. Thus, she gets a commission from the time agent duo.
Shiguang Dai Li Ren Anime Overview
CLICK / Time Agent is one of bilibili’s 13 original Chinese anime for 2021. It was animated by Studi LAN in collaboration with Haoliners Animation League. The same team that gave us The Daily Life of the Immortal King which had been one of bilibili’s biggest anime last 2020.
It will be directed by Haoliners Animation League founder Li Haoling with Tanji Takumi as its art director, and INPLICK credited for original character designs.
At a corner of a modern metropolis, a small shop called “Time Photo Studio” is open as usual. Although the entrance looks abandoned, it’s actually run by two men with special abilities: Cheng Xiaoshi and Lu Guang. In order to fulfil customers’ requests, Lu Guang and Cheng Xiaoshi work together and use their special abilities to enter photos. However, things don’t go as planned… (Source: bilibili, translated)
Release Date
CLICK release date is slated on April 30, 2021, and it will be stream on bilibili as well as on its official YouTube channel: Anime Made by Bilibili.
The anime also released countdown posters on their Weibo page to further excite the fans that feature its 3 main characters.