A Sheep In Wolf’s Clothing (Pi Zhe Lang Pi De Yang) is a Chinese manga that is set to be adapted into a full CGI animation by Gen Long Culture. Produced by Bilibili as part of their 2022-2023 donghua lineup, this upcoming Chinese anime series is a delightful comedy-fantasy romance that promises to capture the hearts of viewers.
The story revolves around a website that allows people to enter the world of novels by paying a few dollars and setting a keyword. Every time they enter, their experiences become part of the novels. Lan Pi, a new novelist, stumbles upon this website and enters the VR world, where she meets the Sheep King.
The Sheep King is gentle and black-hearted, while the Wolf Tomboy is funny and straightforward. The funny love story between the two characters has just begun, and viewers can’t wait to see how it will unfold in the upcoming Chinese anime adaptation.
Its source material, The Pi Zhe Lang Pi De Yang manga was released in 2018 and written by Bai Dian and Hei Quan, and its full CGI adaptation is set to be released on April 18, 2023. Bilibili released a trailer for the series, which showcases the unique and exciting story in stunning CGI animation. The trailer has already generated excitement among anime fans, who are eagerly awaiting the release of this series.
A Sheep In Wolf’s Clothing (Pi Zhe Lang Pi De Yang) is a comedy-fantasy romance that is sure to entertain viewers with its funny and heartwarming story. The full CGI animation by Gen Long Culture promises to bring the story to life in a unique and visually stunning way, making it a must-watch for fans of Chinese anime.
Bilibili’s announcement of A Sheep In Wolf’s Clothing (Pi Zhe Lang Pi De Yang) during their annual event on October 29, 2022, unveiled that it is one of their upcoming projects under the adapted works category. Fans are excited to see how the story will be adapted and how the characters will be portrayed in the animation.
A Sheep In Wolf’s Clothing is a highly anticipated Chinese anime series that is set to capture the hearts of viewers with its hilarious and romantic story. Fans can mark their calendars for April 18, 2023, and get ready for the adventure of a lifetime in this new Chinese donghua called A Sheep In Wolf’s Clothing.