Chinese anime fans have something to look forward to this year as Colored Pencil Animation Group and Tencent Penguin Pictures’ upcoming animated series, Biao Ren: Blades of the Guardians, is set to release on June 1, 2023. The show will be available for streaming on Tencent and its affiliated partners.
Blades of the Guardians is an adaptation of a Chinese manhua of the same name, which is also known by other titles such as Hyoujin, Dartman, or Dart People. The story follows the journey of Dao Ma and the people he meets as he explores the dark age of Ancient China, dealing with imperial politics, power struggles, rebellion, and conspiracies.
This historical setting donghua goes beyond what meets the eye and aims to raise awareness about various issues while keeping the story creatively exciting. Fans can expect epic battles, heroes, and villains in a world steeped in Chinese culture and mythology.
One of the most anticipated aspects of any anime series is the opening theme, and Blades of the Guardians does not disappoint. The opening theme, animated by Hiromatsu Shu, the same animator who brought us the phenomenal opening for Spare Me, Great Lord! in 2021, is a feast for the eyes. The animation is stunning and showcases the show’s characters and martial arts action in all its glory. The opening theme is sure to be a favorite among fans.
With the release date and opening theme revealed, fans can’t wait to see what Blades of the Guardians has in store for them. The show promises to be a treat for anyone who loves action-adventure and fantasy with a historical twist. Keep an eye out for Blades of the Guardians on Tencent and its affiliated partners starting June 1, 2023.